From this...


Yes, it's true...we are on the move. It was all very bittersweet...moving= bitter, job= sweet.
Jake has been offered a job with the Washington Wizards! It's a huge promotion so I am so proud of him and we are very excited about the opportunity!!! However...WE LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!! so it will be very sad to leave!

Yes, it's true...we are on the move. It was all very bittersweet...moving= bitter, job= sweet.
Jake has been offered a job with the Washington Wizards! It's a huge promotion so I am so proud of him and we are very excited about the opportunity!!! However...WE LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!! so it will be very sad to leave!
We love being so close to Scott, Lisa, and the girls (Jake's sis) and have so much fun with them!!!We also have met the greatest people and love our friends here. We have had a great time living here and we know we will be up to visit very often! Luckily, DC is only 3.5 hours away and it's a very easy drive!
But, we aren't rookies at this either...we have lived in 4 states in our 5 years of marriage! CRAZY!!! It's not fun to pack up everything you own and relocating, but it has been an exciting ride! I mean, Utah, Indy, NYC, and now DC?!?!?!? We feel so blessed to have had the opportunities and experiences that we've had and our looking forward to our next adventure!!
We went down this past weekend to house hunt and it got us really excited about our new area. We are going to be living in Alexandria, Virginia. It is a great area and Old Town Alexandria is about the cutest place I've ever seen!!! (Pics to come of our trip) We are about 3 miles from Old Town and the Potomac River waterfront (which is really pretty) and 6 miles to DC!!!! Jake is only 8 miles away from his work!! Now, with DC traffic that 6 miles will take him at least 30 min, but a 30 min commute is nothing to complain about!
So, here we go...put your hands in the air!!!!
Good Luck Jake, Em and Makenzie! We all love you and know your life will continue to be exciting and rewarding :) Hope your Indy family gets to see you soon!
YAY! So proud of you kid! You guys are going to have so much fun and we are SO excited to come visit!
xoxo, Goat
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